My, I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is around the corner again. Remember how last year I auctioned myself as a Valentine’s Day date for charity? *chuckles* That was quite something and I should’ve added it onto my 2012 Year In Review infographics. Somehow it slipped my mind at the time, but it certainly was a fun occasion for me. This year I have no idea yet what’s going to happen. I think there’s talk about going on a romantic staycation somewhere, in style of course. Maybe involving lingerie and champagne, hur hur. We’ll see, we’ll see. Most likely you will get hot-off-the-press info via my social media channels: Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter… one of those. So check in on Valentine’s Day to see what I’ll be up to. *winkz*

Either way, it’s the season for romance! And I was invited to Soo Kee Jewelry couple weeks ago to preview their Love collections for Valentine’s Day. Right off the bat I was thinking, “Really?!? People get gifted with jewelry for Valentine’s Day? Isn’t that like… a damn serious message for guys to be sending?”. Damn serious as in expensive. Then again, it goes to show that dude must be damn serious about you too. Alright, alright, let us girls welcome these shiny gifts with open arms bah. Seeing how Valentine’s Day takes place only once a year, I guess we have no reason to refuse and reject. Besides, if dudes wanna give generously, then we have no choice other than receive in kind eh? *faux reluctant expression*
Sighz. Tough to be a girl sometimes. All these pretty shiny things that we cannot say no to. :P
Kidding aside, I actually don’t wear a lot of jewelry except for my staple simple solitaire ring and earrings as default. I’m sure you’ve spotted them often in my other photos. They hold sentimental value to me and I treasure them a fair bit. With that said though, simple jewelry don’t quite cut it for me most of the time as I like to go for bright, big, in-your-face pieces – otherwise known as fashion jewelry. Especially since nowadays statement necklaces and inexpensive arm swag are the trendy thing to be wearing. But I guess trends and fads may come and go, while simple understated jewelry adorned with a good shiny rock is timeless and elegant.

Some of the jewelry I checked out at Soo Kee Jewelry included the “Brilliant Rose” solitaire rings, “Brilliant Rose, With Love” and “Brilliant Rose, Symphony of Love” necklace pendants and “Mine to Mine” collection designed by Israeli designer Roni N. Frankly the jewelry were all too demure for my liking and they are not really my style. But I can’t say I don’t appreciate shiny bright baubles. ;P

First, let’s check out some Brilliant Rose solitaires. Brilliant Rose is the name of the cut as the diamond has 66 geometrically precise facets, with 8 additional facets at the pavillion. This design is such that the path of light enters the diamond to reflect off the core axis and radiates outwards in a starburst pattern. In simple English, it’s damn friggin’ BLING! And compared to other diamonds, the brilliance of a Brilliant Rose rock is white and ultra shiny. (Another stone I compared it with side by side appeared slightly grey-ish at the base; you gotta see it to believe it.)
Below are three Brilliant Rose solitaires in different settings. Which one is your fave? :)

Classic setting in simple unadorned band.

With a single band of pavé diamonds.

With double bands of pavé diamonds.

Here’s a necklace from the “Mine to Mine” Roni N. collection. Pretty? The design is a citrine heart surrounded by loopy swirls of tiny pavé diamonds.

A matching ring to boot!

I tried the ring on and I like how it looks on my finger. Hey, it even sorta has a similar swirly motif that complemented the “infinity” tattoo on my ring finger! (Ooops, time to update my Milky Way Galaxy manicure.)

Another necklace design by Roni N. which I also tried on. This one’s not bad, it has less flourish but the details are nice. The rectangular shape of the pendant might work to give some of my edgier (read: sloppier) outfits a bit of class. Maybe. Perhaps.

Errr… no, not with this outfit. Definitely not. My pixelated stag print was visually screaming too loudly for the necklace to be noticed. -__-

Do you see any jewelry that you like in this blog post? If so, start hinting to your guy and go browse together at Soo Kee Jewelry. ;)

I found out that Soo Kee Jewelry has this really fun ongoing Facebook contest where you can submit a Love Note to express your love and you stand a chance to win a Lovita White Gold Diamond Eiffel Tower Pendant. That’s such a cute contest!
I love the idea of guys writing love notes, which sadly not many do these days. Maybe the rare few did go out of their way to send you handwritten love notes when they were still woo-ing you. The practice of writing love notes needs to be revived, don’t you agree? I enjoy reading (and re-reading) handwritten notes as I find them so special and precious. *dreamy sigh* Come on, guys. Raise the romance ante!
Say it with love,