We all crave noise somewhere, sometime in our lives; but we’ve swung the balance so far in the direction of loudness, and stripped ourselves of so many oases of quiet, that we’re losing both the will and ability to listen to what’s actually out there.
– an excerpt from In Pursuit of Silence by George Prochnik

Desinere, founded by Melvin Ong, is a Singapore-based studio that approaches design through quiet reflection of relationships between items, people & experiences; to create authentic, honest objects that are refreshingly unexpected.
Melvin graduated First-Class Honours from Central St Martin’s College of Art & Design with a degree in Product Design in 2010. Upon graduation Melvin had the opportunity to be under the tutelage of established designers such as Chris Lefteri and Reiko Kaneko. He then went on to work with London design agency Brand42, where he was involved with projects from CNN, Johnnie Walker and Mailonline. Melvin has also exhibited his personal work as part of a collaborative at Tent London 2010 and the Milan Salone Satellite in 2011. With these experiences that quietly moulded him, he made a decision to relocate back home to Singapore in 2012 to establish his studio, Desinere.

These items are such exquisite beauties. *heart eyes*
Say, don’t the coffee tables in the first photo up top kinda have the same vibes as my DIY paper gems?