I was sitting out in the backyard earlier and noticed that my neighbour had set up a bird-feeder by her backyard. There were a couple of robins hanging out by the feeder and it was a really nice scene set in the late afternoon sun. Now all my neighbour ought to install is a bird bath to complement the feeder. :P Coincidentally, I received the new Company Store catalogue earlier today and was grabbed visually by the little porcelain bird on the cover right away. However, it was just a decor item and not sold in the catalogue. :(
This brings me to my fondness of bird silhouettes; “Avian Chic” I believe the trend is called. The symbolism of a bird is quite sweet really…. fragility, flight and freedom, that sorta thing. I think the associated references to birdcages and broken wings are heartbreakingly beautiful too. From a visual standpoint, I love how simple yet instantly recognizable the shape of a bird is. Very pleasing graphically (especially if the bird is chubby) as well as gender-neutral (is it not?). Following this theme, I’ve collected some of my favourites on the web.

1. Pink and Brown Bedding from delia*s (which I happen to own, heh).
2. Several of these Bird Sculptures from Alena Hennessy grouped together will look pretty.
3. Kissing Robins Cushion from Anorak.

1. I hope my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me, but I think this is the same Porcelain Bird that was featured on the cover image. Yes? No? From BROOKLYNrehab. I WANT!!! I WANT!!! I WANT!!!
2. Wool Silhouette of Bird on Green Linen Pillow by Swell Dame.
3. Wallpaper by designwall.

1. Love Birds Wall Sticker from Rose & Grey.
2. Birds On A Wire Wall Decal from Rose & Grey.
3. Birdcage Cushion from Rose & Grey.

1. Porcelain Bird Yum plate by laurawallstaylor.
2. Stainless steel “La La” Pendant (which I own and one of my favourite necklaces ever).
3. Birdies on a Wire stainless silver charm on an antiqued silver coin.

1. I am absolutely in love with these Porcelain Birds from Coe + Waito.
2. A pair of Bird Bowls, also from Coe + Waito.
3. Handmade White Bird Totebag from rainbowswirlz, comes in different colors.
Oh, I *heart* Avian Chic. :)))
PS: I really want the Porcelain Bird as part of my home decor.