The wonderful recently showcased some beautiful vintage glasses and pottery from irioN Modern. Below are the items which I personally find to be drool-worthy. Too bad they’re all sold out by the time I checked out the sale. Damnitz! :( They are still very nice to look at though.
This set of six Tastesetter vintage highballs features a distinctive orange and yellow mod pattern that’s straight out of the 1960s.
Each of the adorable glasses in this set of eight Libbey vintage glasses from the 1950s features a different animal in a different color riding up and down on a merry-go-round.
Set of four vintage frosted highball glasses by the acclaimed dish- and glassware designer Georges Briard features a charming pelican detail.
Kitchenware addicts will immediately recognize the pattern on this rare, vintage 1960s red and white enamel and metal bowl as Cathrineholm—its iconic lotus leaf design is one of several that propelled the company to fame decades ago.
There are still other vintage selects (more glasses and some pottery) available in the sale, but the sale is ending very soon. If you hurry over now, you may still be able to catch it.
✎ Question for readers: Is vintage yay or nay for you?