As soon as I got my hands on the Philips hue Starter Kit, I installed the three wireless lightbulbs in my living room and went into a frenzy of creative explorations. I really love how the spectrum of colors available can easily change the ambiance of my living space and there are endless possibilities of different color combinations I can get. When I first moved into my apartment, I had deliberately picked predominantly white furnishing because I want the feeling of an airy spacious interior and its openness. I also set it up that way such that it becomes a blank canvas backdrop that allows me to decorate and redecorate my living space with different themes and accent colors, depending on what mood I’m in. What can I say, I am fickle and I like options. Especially since I’m constantly inspired by many different things at different times.
I remember one time I threw a house party in my New York apartment and had to climb on a ladder to manually switch out my regular bulbs to red bulbs in an effort to recreate a lounge-y vibe inside the apartment. It wasn’t just one bulb, okay!? Multiples! I had to drag the ladder and position it beneath the lightbulb, climb up, unscrew, change the bulb, climb down, then drag the ladder to another spot beneath a different lightbulb, repeat. What a chore that was! Not to mention when it was time to change back to the regular lightbulbs after the party’s over, I had to do it all over again.
With Philips hue wireless lightbulbs, I am so glad I don’t have to do that ever again. Because now I can just use the Philips hue app on my smartphone, tap on either a Preset Light Recipe, a Preset Scene or use my own photo, and my wireless lightbulbs change colors automatically.

When it’s dark out, these lights come on and transform my living space into a scene straight out of a Wong Kar Wai movie (he is a huge inspiration to me, btw). I told myself, I am going to have fun with Philips hue and make it an immersive experience. I’d be sitting there reading a book and I picked the “Reading” Preset Light Recipe; it really made a difference and so much less straining on the eyes. I’d be watching a movie on TV, and I set the light colors to enhance the experience. For example, “In The Mood For Love” by Wong Kar Wai – but of course – my living room is awashed with warm oranges and mellow reds. Another example, when watching “The Beach”, I chose a combination of blueish-white, light yellow and a soft blue. With “Serendipity”, I set the lights green and red to mimic the Christmas-y mood depicted in the movie.
I can go on and on tweaking the colors emitting from the Hue lightbulbs because I’m having so much fun customizing these Phillips Hue lightbulbs.
With all the fun I’m having, alas… I am not technically-adept enough to capture in photos how gorgeous the lightbulb colors look and how they effectively can change the overall ambiance of my space. So one evening when best pals Adrian and Dennis were over to hang out, we did an impromptu shoot to showcase Philips hue. Thank you, guys, for being so awesome with the camera – otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to show how cool my living room looks with Philips hue.

The light colors are gorgeous, aren’t they? To me, Philips hue is the easiest and fastest way to transform a room without adding any furnishings or accent décor items. And the result is beautiful.
Multi-colored lights boost my mood and that’s no surprise because I’m sure everyone knows how colors have a direct influence on our thoughts, moods and behaviors because when the energy & color enters our bodies, it stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands to secrete certain hormones. Alternative medicine has gone even a step further to draw the essence of colors into a form of therapy, called Colored Light Therapy/Chromotherapy. Even at the most basic level, we know for certain that different colors can soothe, stimulate, excite, relax, uplift, etc.

Speaking of house parties at the beginning, Philips hue is such a smart light bulb that’s controlled by your smart devices, there are many third-party apps available to make it even more fun and customizable. For example, you can use Philips hue as a disco light with third-party apps! Needless to say, endless possibilities with Philips hue. :)

Have you read my other blog post on Philips hue? Philips hue is available online via apple.com.sg, in-store at Philips Home Lighting (Toa Payoh) and selected Apple Premium Resellers. The starter kit comprising of three hue bulbs, a bridge and cables cost S$319. And you can purchase individual hue bulb at S$89 each. A single bulb can connect up to 50 Philips hue bulbs!
Find out more updates from Philips and Philips hue from http://www.facebook.com/PhilipsLightingSingapore.