I must not shop for any kitchenware or decor item anymore.
I must not shop for any kitchenware or decor item anymore.
I must not shop for any kitchenware or decor item anymore.
Because I am running out of space in my apartment and some serious purging has to take place before I can acquire more things. I can’t stand clutter and I don’t have much storage nooks left. In the meantime, I shall find joy in browsing online. ;)

1. I Fantasy Your Point Pencil Sharpener 2. Random Kindness Bag
3. The Cutest Sneeze in the World: 30 Cat Postcards 4. No Fair Bookend
5. The Still of the Nightlight

Really, really, reeeeaaaalllly want gold dinnerware. I’ve been fixated for months now!

Sorry I was so caught up clipping the images above I forgot where they were all from. That is prolly best for me at this time because it’s too tempting to add them into a shopping basket.
I must not shop for any kitchenware or decor items anymore.
I must not shop for any kitchenware or decor items anymore.
I must not shop for any kitchenware or decor items anymore.