I was ranting recently about graphic design favors with some friends and one of them sent this infographic to me. LMAO! Unpaid favors suck @$$. And it happens more frequently than I’d like.

Don’t get me wrong, whenever friends ask for help I try the best I can – at no charge. I have helped many friends with their graphic design needs in the past. Especially those entrepreneurial ones who wanted to setup a small sidegig and online stores, I was delighted to be able to give my support when they asked me to design logos.
Thing is, my modus operandi involves the full spectrum of market and visual researches, followed by concepting several iterations, and preconceive the possible elements associated with brand needs. In short, I dive deep into the design process and spend a lot of hours on it. Often times, turned out that what friends needed were not a full-blown brand exploration and creation exercise, but just a basic logo that they could put into business cards or website header screens. And sometimes the business idea remained an idea and never took off, or the business was launched but did not last for more than a few months due to lack of momentum.
As such, all that time and effort which I had put in were wasted. Bleh. :| So much for graphic design favors that led to nowhere.