One day, three fashion mortals made a collective decision that three is better than one. These three individualistic minds who have seen the world of fashion decided fate brought them where they are now; with Ooma as their destination.
The Story of Ooma
Mortal one; A Hole In One
Women admirer. Nothing beats being blown away by beautiful ladies who recognize their curves and pick fitted dresses with elegant waists, sumptuous layers and expert tailoring.
Mortal two; Soho Doll
Talented with the seventh sense of building up closets of classics and quirks for different personalities and shapes.
Mortal three; Dr Hue
Devil is in the detail and runs in his blood. Having operated a family business of apparel manufacturing for ten years trained him to have a palette of well-designed ensembles. Ooma is a private icon that has travelled the world and gets affordable.

I’m wearing the One Shoulder Alexis Dress from OOMA, in a lovely shade of turquoise. This color makes me feel like a mermaid. :p Which is probably apt for a Pisces like me. Been feeling much like a water creature these days, just wanna be fluid and not stress too much about stuff. That’s the way it should be all the time anyway, go with the flow and swim along with the current.
*splish splash*

To celebrate their new launch, Ooma is giving away $600 worth of Sephora vouchers. For every $100 spent at the OOMA website, shoppers are entitled one chance to win the vouchers.
Terms and conditions:
- All purchases for this lucky draw must be made before 15 December 2012 23:59.
- International purchases are welcome.
- Every $100 spent entitles you to one lucky draw number, which will be emailed to purchaser.
- Winners will be contacted via email and announced on Ooma.sg Facebook Page on 16 December 2012.
- Ooma.sg reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this lucky draw at any time without notice.
I’m keeping my mermaid fins crossed for you, I hope you win the Sephora vouchers! :)