For the longest time, I had crammed all of my clothes into a 3 ft x 3 ft x 8 ft-sized closet…. A closet which was really more appropriate for storing broom, mop and other household cleaning items. My closet space was SMALL. Even Harry Potter’s room under the staircase is bigger than my closet. Ah, I wish I have a picture of it to show you. There was no way I was able to stuff all of my clothes into it and from very early on I pretty much maximized every inch of it. In addition to purging out unused old outfits regularly to make room for new additions, I also had to do the seasonal rotation thing; during winter time I’d put away all my tanktops, shorts, sheer short-sleeved items to make room for the heavy bulky winter coats. And come warmer weather, I’d vacuum-pack all the wool sweaters, down jackets, corduroy pants and hide these all the way under my bed.
Now I don’t know about your personal experience, but when I watched Sex and The City movie I heard a collective gasp inside the theater when Big revealed his surprise custom-built walk-in closet to Carrie. It was definitely a moment.
Carrie’s walk-in closet after she moved in with Big.
THE dream closet that Big custom-built for Carrie in their new penthouse apartment.
Carrie’s closet in her own apartment.
It got me then thinking, after perusing loads of walk-in closet images online, how to go about putting a walk-in closet together. I’m thinking aloud here with my observations and considerations, I welcome your input/thoughts.
Cons: Feel kinda claustro, space may look dark, stuffy and confined.
Pros: Feel like stepping into your own private boutique, glam-factor, damn luxe.
Cons: Commitment to consistently organize clothes according to color what-nots. Shelves get dusty.
On with some eye-candy while we ponder that question together.
Doors or no doors, a walk-in closet is every woman’s dream, right? I mean, if you can have one, will you say no? It is a worthy investment too, guaranteed to increase the value of your real estate property when it’s time to sell! :)
I suppose the appeal of a walk-in closet is SPACE and ORGANIZATION so maybe it need not be too big (well, anything bigger than a broom closet is BIG for me). Last but not least, just for laughs I leave you with this kickass Heineken commercial – if you haven’t seen it already. ;p
Peace out! *xoxo*