Last week I was asked to style a couple of looks for a first date, for an editorial feature in collaboration with Zalora. More details to be shared on my social media channels when I get the official scoop; namely my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram — so you know what to do if you wanna be in the loop: FOLLOW ME please! But for now, lemme share the roundups of what I’ve shortlisted along with a smattering of tips pertaining to first dates.
Truth be told, when it comes to first dates I am hardly an expert in that department because I am a long-term relationship kinda gal and therefore, also have not had many boyfriends in the past. In other words, I haven’t gone on too many first dates – although there were a couple which ended up being very memorable for me. Uhm, I am not going to share the details here at this time, but the general gist of these memorable first dates for me is because they weren’t set up formally as a first date. You know what I mean? Silly me didn’t realize it was a first date so I had the mind set that it was just “hanging out”. Without the pressure of it being a formal date, I got comfortable and was able to actually enjoy the company.
I guess going on a first date is stressful not just for the guys (who must impress, hehehehe). I am generally very confident of myself but at the mention of going on a “first date”, I’d start having flash of panic followed by a monologue in my head about what to wear, what to say, is the guy gonna bore me, is the guy gonna find me intimidating, will I get shin cramps, blablablabla.
With that said, putting together the right outfit should be fun because a date is, after all, an occasion. It’s not as if you’re going to the grocery store to pick up eggs and milk, and can get away with slapping on a t-shirt, a pair of torn jeans and flip flops.

I personally think that there are three factors to consider when it comes to determining your outfit choices:
1. You go on a first date to know each other, so it makes natural sense to wear something that speaks of your personality. Sure, I sometimes fancy myself as being a rockstar-gangster chick, but given that most first dates generally take place at a proper restaurant, it’s not a good idea to show up looking like a thug. This brings me to my next consideration…
2. Find out in advance where the first date is gonna be. If it’s gonna be a rock concert, then yes, put on the ripped jeans, wear the trendy hi-top kickers, and show off all your skull and studs arm swag. My point here is you should dress to match the venue and activity, and…
3. Most importantly, dress comfortably! Nothing ruins the vibes of a first date faster than an ill-fitting outfit, the wrong panties, half dried-out contact lenses, bitingly tight shoes, a scratchy wool sweater, etc. Being comfortable puts you at ease so that you can let your best self shine, and you will enjoy the first date that much more.
For the two looks which I styled below, I decided to go the direction of a modern gal with a hint of romanticism, girly-girl enough but yet not shy in asserting her individuality and personal tastes. In other words, I can see myself wearing these to go on a first date (presumably, not at some rock concert but more like, at a well-reviewed restaurant somewhere with kickass food and cocktails). All the items you see below can be found at Zalora.

Now comes the Q&A time. I was asked to answer the questions below.
1. What’s one ultimate fashion necessity for a date that’s:
casual? Comfortable shoes.
dressy? Pretty accessories.
2. Share an absolute ‘Do’ and ‘Don’t’ when it comes to dressing up for a first date?
DO dress comfortably and have fun selecting your outfits.
DO pick outfits that represent your style and speak of your personality.
DO tone down on the sexiness, leave that for subsequent dates after you’ve established chemistry with your date.
DON’T wear new shoes that haven’t been broken into.
DON’T over-accessorize with too much blings as they can be distracting.
DON’T underdress or wear sloppy outfits, it leaves a bad impression.
3. What was the worst fashion faux pas that you’ve personally committed, and what was the response?
I often wore new shoes that haven’t been broken into and as a result, I got blisters and shin cramps throughout the night which is a total killjoy. The painful spasms were unbearable and I did not enjoy myself one bit. I have learned one golden lesson through these experiences: whenever I go out wearing heels, I pack foldable ballet flats or a light pair of flip flops into my bag. It isn’t all that glam to switch shoes halfway during a date or any event for that matter, and the extra pair of flats is one extra thing to carry but believe you me, comfort supercedes all.
If my date finds that too ghetto or distasteful, too bad yo…. maybe he should try cramming his feet into women’s heels for a change, then come talk to me about ghetto. Or better still, he’d better be very skilled at giving foot rubs. Heh.
Okay, leaving you with pix of my favoritest date and me. ;) Heh.

Question for readers: What’s the best (or worst) first date you’ve had? Please share your story in the comment box below. I’d love to read about it!